jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

The semester is over!

Hi guys, here the names of those people who shamefully are in second final test(segunda vuelta). You'd better study, this is your last chance, after this you should present an extraordinary test. ************************************************************************************************************************ To all of you 4th semester people: No olviden que un requisito para que pueda asentar su calificación oficial en acta es que presenten su comprobante de evaluación de profesores online.************************************************************************************************************* When and where? Tomorrow Friday 25th, 12:00, room 113, no exceptions, again 30 minutes to finish your test. Topics to study? The same ones you studied for the final test. Be punctual!!!********************************************************************************************************** 2413 Flores Mendoza Juan Manuel/ Pichardo Ramírez Noemí/ Salcedo Gutierrez Katerine/ Sánchez Mendoza César/ 2414 Alcantar Carrillo Armando/ Gallardo Pérez Rafael/ Gómez Rodríguez Norma/ López Ramírez Jose Antonio/ Tapia Jaimes David/ Uribe Enciso Jatziry/ Villamil Lamas Arely**************************************************************************************************** The following people got a 6, you have the opportunity to present the test; however, you can't go back to the previous grade, you'll have the grade you get in second final test and that's it, OK? So think it over!************************** Boyoli Suárez Daniela/ Espinoza Sánchez Michell/ González Bustamante Erik/ Rodríguez Verdin Ulises/ Soria González Vanessa/ Flores Porras Griselda/ Lupian Herrera Cynthia/